- Different types of pins based on an animals;
- To make the game more interesting the player will have the freedom to choose between areas on a menu (map) and each area is represented by an animal, so if the player is tired to deal with "monkey-pins" he can go back to the menu and keep playing with a different animal that offers another environment and behaves.
- Environment is where that animal lives: how the background image and the track looks like. For "monkey-pins" will probably be a forest making an analogy with their natural habitat, for fishes maybe a track that remember a lake or underwater.
- Behaves - Each pin has it unique characteristic imitating the animal that it represents, for example: the "monkey-pin" may jump from left to right and they will only stop when you hit them, for fishes they can "swim" so when the ball tries to cross a river or lake it is slowed by the water making it more difficult to hit the "fish-pin".
- This map/world will be represented by an island for easy navigation of the player.
- Each area of this map has their own tracks, beginning with easier tracks but becoming more challenging as you accomplish them.
- After you complete a track you will receive an amount of stars:
- Fail: 0 star;
- Finished but with a bad timing (took too long): 1 star;
- Finished in an acceptable timing: 2 stars;
- Good timing: 3 stars.
- The player can go back an try it again until he gets all stars.
- During the track course you may find some heart shaped items, they will work as a second chance to the player, so if he fails (falls from the track) he will have the option to choose between trying again and do not waste one of his hearts or try again from the place where he lost.
- Global score showing how many stars the player collected so far.
- Background music changes for each area.
- Two special areas on the map besides the regular areas (with the "animal-pin"):
- Tutorial: this is where new player can receive their training and learn how the game work. With very easy tracks and a lot of explanations the player will receive training before going out and play the "real" game tracks.
- Challenges: face more complex tracks with different types of "animal-pins", environment variations, traps, etc.
- Set up different types of input (the standard W,A,S,D did not work very well for everybody).
Now is time to start working on top of these ideas. What is coming as next step will be the development of the Tutorial area and the "Monkey-pin" area. After that I will probably work on the menus and interfaces, make it look nicer, seek for nice background tracks, better sound effects and work on physics and balance of the game.